Speech delivered by Rahul Bajaj - JAI HIND HIGH SCHOOL & M.U. COLLEGE
JANUARY 6, 2009 : 1700 HRS.

At the outset I take this opportunity to congratulate the management and teachers of the school and the college for building and maintaining their reputation. 75 and 25 years are a long time and an achievement by any standards.

More important is keeping the vitality of the institution alive. And this depends on the leadership and staff of the school and in their success in imbuing the students with a sense of excellence.

When we look around ourselves we see many things to be happy about, proud about and some dark clouds. How do we make sense of these and decide what we should do ?

I believe that we, especially the educated classes, need to re-engage with the nation. For the last 50 years we have seen a withdrawal of educated people from the public space. It is good that we chose one man-one vote concept and created a broad based democracy. But, one of its bad affects has been to settle for the lowest common denominator rather than the highest common factor.

By withdrawing into our limited worlds, we have not offered a better alternative to our society. It is the responsibility of people like us to live to high standards and set a good example. This is what teachers are supposed to do in a class. When we do this and celebrate it we provide a better model for all in our society.

If we reflect on our freedom struggle, something like this was happening. When we celebrate the new achieving icons of our New India like Narayanmurthy or Dr Kalam we are expressing this deep seated urge.

Right is right and wrong is wrong. Muscle power, money power and power of governments do not make a wrong right.

As we have withdrawn the public space has been taken over by self serving people. The attack on Mumbai on Nov 26 made this clear in a terrifying way. The signals have been coming for very long, at least since the 1992 riots in Mumbai, but we chose to ignore them. Now we shall ignore them only at our peril.

Nothing is inevitable. By the sweat of our brows, the strength of our backs and the courage of our hearts, we can do anything. This excellent formulation is not mine. It is a dialogue from the Pirates of the Caribbean “The World's End” film.

We are inheritors of a very old and wise civilization. This civilization has largely vanished from our cities. But it does thrive outside our big cities. One has only to go to any village to discover it. It is premised on acceptance of our own smallness and in the joyful celebration of the vastness of God, howsoever named, and mankind.

One can say this in many ways.

Vinobaji said it in another way. He said that whether one had strength, knowledge or money, it was worthless if one had not earned the genuine affection of others.

We should not worry about what others do. We should only worry about what we do.

Besides being good values, these are values which are also in tune with tomorrow. During the ‘70s and ‘80s we followed certain economic policies. These created stagnation, poverty, poor quality, corruption. Since 1991 we have changed many of these and much greater economic freedom is now available. Using this freedom many new companies like Infosys, Airtel, Pune's Suzlon have come into being and even older companies that have changed themselves are thriving. I am ignoring the last few months. To thrive in this new environment requires knowledge, skill, capability and character.

These attributes have much to do with the kind of upbringing and education one receives. And this is crucially dependent on our homes and our schools. I appeal to all parents and teachers present here today to be conscious of the tremendous responsibility they have in shaping children. Especially mothers, as fathers today are passe!

Again, as an end in itself and as something of value in tomorrow's world, please let the children discover what they like doing and encourage them to pursue their inclination, rather than conform to our dreams for them. The world does not only need Doctors and Engineers but a mind boggling variety of talents. And it needs and values those who excel in their fields.

Learning is fun and we now live in a world where an attitude of life long learning is essential. Please invent ways of making the children wanting to learn. At the same time I am not for totally unstructured learning. We must evaluate and reward the deserving.

Institutions are very important. Be it a school or a company, it should stand for some values. Then it attracts people to work for it. Institutions need careful tending. Above all, they need a leadership committed to the welfare of the institution. Not just in words but in deeds. We are all but human, and do err, but our stakeholders, in your case the staff, parents and students, should have respect for and belief in the leadership. This is an institution's greatest asset.

That your school and college have survived for so long and created such a fine name for themselves attests that institution building has been going on here. My best wishes for its continuing development.

I am thankful to Nalini Gera for giving me this opportunity to be amongst students. They have a freshness in their eyes that is rejuvenating.

My best wishes to the school and the college and all of you here today, not only for this New Year, but for the future that is ours to make happen.

Thank You.
